
Do you want to download Seal APK from its official website? If your answer is YES then you have come to the right place.

Due to its amazing features and easy-to-download option, Seal APK has become everyone’s favourite.

Due to some legal issues, it is not available on Google Play Store and that’s the reason why people end up downloading it from spam websites. If you download Seal APK from a random website, chances are high that your device might get infected with viruses or malware.

Since the number of Seal APK users has increased significantly nowadays, we decided to launch its official website.

Unlike other third-party or spam websites, the APK file provided here is 100% safe and secure for your device.

Besides providing a link to download Seal APK safely, we will walk you through the process of downloading, installing and using it to download YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and other platforms videos for free.

Without any further ado, let’s get started:

What Is Seal APK?

Seal APK

Seal APK is an open-source multi-media application allowing users to download videos and audio files from platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and more than 1500+ sites.

Developed by Junkfood02, Seal APK has a very simple and user-friendly interface. Unlike other video downloader applications, you don’t need to go through some tedious process.

To download videos from Seal APK, you only need to paste the link of the video you wish to download and then click on the ‘Download’ button.

The application allows you to download videos up to 2160P. Apart from downloading the video in the highest resolution, Seal APK allows you to download the audio format of the video as well.

You can imagine the popularity of this application by looking at its number of downloads. It has been only a few months since Seal APK was launched as an open-source application on GitHub and it has already been downloaded by more than 10 Million users.

Seal APK Features

When it comes to Seal APK features, words fall short of describing them. Since our website is dedicated to this application, we will enlist some popular features of it.

no ads

No Ads

When it comes to watching videos on platforms like Instagram and YouTube, what irritates the most is advertisement. If you want to get rid of those frustrating ads, download Seal APK now.


100% Free

If you have not downloaded Seal APK yet, download it now because it is 100% free and safe for your device. Irrespective of whether you download one or a hundred videos a day, you don’t need to pay a single buck.

User friendly UI

User-friendly UI

When it comes to Seal APK UI, nothing can be simpler than it. Irrespective of whether you want to download YouTube videos, Instagram videos, Instagram reels, Facebook videos or others, paste the URl of the video and then click on the Download button to download the video.

No Restriction

No Restriction

Unlike other applications or websites, Seal APK does not have any restrictions when it comes to downloading videos. Besides YouTube, Instagram, Facebook, Twitter and Reddit, there are tons of website videos that can be downloaded on Seal APK.

dally update

Frequent Update

What makes Seal APK massively popular among users is it gets updated after a week or month. With a new update, the devs add new features and fix bugs and errors encountered by users across the world.



With the latest update, the devs have added a feature allowing users to add translations in Swedish and Portuguese languages.

How to Download Seal APK

It is one of the most sought-after questions on the internet. If you wish to download Seal APK safely but don’t know which website is safe or legit then let me tell you that our website is 100% safe and secure for your device.

Download Seal APK

Here are a few simple steps to download Seal APK now:

  1. To download the latest version of Seal APK for free you need to visit its official website’.
  2. After visiting the website, click on the ‘Download APK’ button.
  3. Click on the ‘Download APK’ button and go to the download page.
  4. There, you will see multiple Files. Choose the latest and download.
  5. When you do so, the APK file will begin downloading.
  6. Once downloaded, install it on your phone.

How to Install & Use Seal APK To Download Videos

To install Seal APK on your smartphone, follow the steps written below:

Step 1. First, download Seal APK from its official website ‘’.

Step 2. If you don’t know how then follow the steps mentioned above.

Step 3. Once downloaded, go to the ‘Download Folder’ and then tap on the ‘Seal APK’ file.

Step 4. When you do so, a pop-up will appear on the screen.

Step 5. Tap on the ‘Install’ button.

Step 6. When you do so, the installation process will start.

Step 7. Once installed, launch the application and grant all necessary permissions.

Step 8. When you do so, a User Guide will appear on the screen. Tap on the Close button to make it disappear.

User guide

Step 9. Now, Seal APK GUI will appear on the screen.

Step 10. Now, go to YouTube, Instagram or another platform and then copy the link of the video that you want to download.

copy video link to download

Step 11. Once copied, open the Seal app then paste the video link into the text box ‘Video link’.

Step 12. Once pasted, tap on the ‘Download’ icon located at the bottom right corner of the screen.

Step 13. When you do it for the first time, a pop-up will appear asking you to enable the download notification.

Step 14. When you enable it, you will get notified about the downloading status.

Step 15. Once enabled, you will see the ‘Configure before download’ window.

Step 16. There, you can select ‘Download Type’, ‘Format Selection’, ‘Format Preference’ and more.

Download Type

Step 17. Once you are done configuring these settings, click on the ‘Download’ button.

Step 18. When you do so, you will be shown video quality options.

Step 19. Select the preferred quality and then click on the ‘Download’ button located at the top right corner of the screen.

Step 20. When you do so, the video will begin downloading.

Step 21. Once downloaded, click on the Video icon located at the top right corner of the screen and then tap on the video you have just downloaded.

Step 22. Now, select the Media player and enjoy the video.

That’s it.

Frequently Asked Questions

Is Seal APK Free to Download?

Yes, Seal APK is 100% free to download. To download its latest version, you need to visit its official website ‘’. After visiting the site, click on the Download APK button.

Can I Use Seal APK on iOS?

No, the iOS version of Seal APK is yet to be released. As soon as the Seal APK’s iOS version is released, we will update this post.

Can I Use Seal APK on PC?

Currently, Seal APK can only be used on Android devices. The PC version of Seal APK will be released shortly.

Who Is the Developer of Seal APK?

The actual developer of Seal APK is JunkFood02, who is a GitHub user.

Can I Download Facebook Videos From Seal APK?

Yes, you can download Facebook videos from Seal APK. With the help of this application, you not only can download FB videos but also videos from Twitter, Discord, Reddit, Instagram, YouTube and numerous other platforms.

Is Seal APK Adless Application?

Yes, you would not see any ads while using the Seal APK on your Android device.

How to Fix Seal APK “Cannot Fetch Video Info” Error?

To fix the Seal APK ‘cannot fetch video info’ error, you need to go to Settings > General and then switch to the Update channel of yt-dlp to Nightly, and then update it. Once updated, copy and paste the link of the video into the Seal APK and then click on the Download button and check if the error remains.

Seal APK

Seal APK is an open-source multi-media application allowing users to download videos and audio files from platforms like YouTube, Twitter, Reddit, Instagram, TikTok, Facebook, and more than 1500+ sites.

Price Currency: $

Operating System: Android, iOS, Windows, Mac

Application Category: Multimedia

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